Monday, September 29, 2008


JOHN is FINALLY back in FULL AFFECT! I know many many of yall have been waitin for the new gossip, and some of yall have been frontin' like you dont want it. BUT U know YOU DOO BOO. SOO here it goes.

THIS weekend at "DUMPHRIES DIN".. wutever the fuc that means.. FRESHMEN and many more pops were in attendence, as well as the perverted upper classmen dudes, but we can't blame them niggas the pops were ready..yall know them niggas that can only get a nut when they got a girl pissy drunk. Speaking of upperclassmen or alumni DJ ZEKKEE!.. OUR new number one fan (also COCKY K's number one and only fan) was all up in there like he just got into college, enjoing the 19 and under company. My nigga my DUUUDEE what r u doing! You kno got dam well you cant make a career outta DJ'in.. stick to wut you spent all that tuition on. And we got your message but we tried to call on numerous occasions but the fan line was jus too tied up.HA!

NEXT// Thanks too all our Honest Box friends and haters! Your messages are tooo welcomed..,Hot from the BOX the widely known TRAVIS H. (Alpha) and RACHEL ASAGHAE (freshman) have been hittin more than the books this semester. Travis dont think we don't see you signing into Dasilva for that Clinton and Lowinski looove. WE know etc. were there but with who we kno not yett...but who's boootie dont beeeeloonnnngg.

FOR this WEEKS WHHHACK ATTACK TACK TACKK///EJ (ur defiantly not hot) HOTTNESS- WHY O WHY do you think your so cute, stylish and thuged out. BITCH you got FUCKED UP last year.. a couple times bruises were found but your DAARRKNESS sure hides a lot we kno u eat them upper cuts tho. But I know them shots were nothin compared to the ones Terell Lewis gave you, maybe as well as the rest of T MAJOR.who knows!?


FOR the new freshman watch the fuck out. BITCHES DIPSET and JIM JONES have arrived and are never leaving St Johns campus! They are suspects in an armed robbery of the Gucci, Prada and Ed Hardy stores. You may get them confused with each other but do not fall for it. We herd last year they were conversating with a few freshman and one supsedly HIT..hit wut you may ask there pockets. Baby BOYS I kno you think you are Gods gift to this word buuut sharin clothes and dressing jus alike aint it.
FRESH OFF the PRESS!!!!NEWLYWEDS Shakarie and Paris have called off the non existent engagement.. Seems like I burned a hole in your relationship like he did them pockets..On second thought girl plz rethink this, a good man is hard to find.


treeknee said...

this is soooooo odeee

only reason you went at zeke is cuz he defended kurt, who i've met and isnt a bad guy from what i picked up ...

im sensing some personal vendetta against shakarie .. maybe a crush on paris perhaps?? im not her biggest fan either but at least i have a reason.

and you BEASTED on grammy family .. uncalled yo, just cuz they look fly .. leave them be

you rlyyyy need a new hobby [=

dj zeke said...
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Anonymous said...


Honestly while I think this was a good idea; a blog site about st. Johns gossip. I think you failed to deliver the concept effectively. You are not delivering gossip, you are simply telling your opinion of different people, activities, and events. You should keep your personal feelings to a minimum and simply report the goings-on of stj. Sadly enough by the looks of this blog it is very visible that you are an Underclassmen who is semi-popular but not trusted enough to have tru inside gossip about anyone. I applaud the initial effort but please make a serious attempt at upgrading you information and keeping your opinions to a mum. While they may cause the reader a few moments of hahas, those readers will not be there to support you or fight for you when this comes face to face with you. Just report the stories and not what you think.

PS. DJ ZEKE is actually one of the highest paid ppl at STJ. I think a couple of professors are actually jealous of his salary from STJ alone. And he is actually an extremely wellknown DJ on the circuit right now. Be happy he has not forgotten where he has come from and still DOES house parties.

Anonymous said...

Oh one more have a lot of the stj community buzzin and even people outside of our community., GIRL(s)... please use this to create a site that is respected as one of the best gossip sites... and make sure you hide ur identity by using slang n words from different places. I occasionally write for one of the nations biggest gossip sites. So please take this advice and use it. Feel free to contact me if needed. This is my aim contact.

Ps. I actually think you all may be some of STJ's fly girls and thats why you are at all the social events. And one of you may just be one of stj's most sought after. You have to be to know all of the "popular" upperclassmen boys.

John_Redstorm_Sucks said...

Reading this clearly shows that u are a hater...

EJ is actually cool if u get to know her instead of Speculating! Kurt too...

Why dont u come after ppl who actually deserve it?

Is it cool to u that u actually may have put a strain on someones relationship.

yeah this is kinda funny, but it would be funnier to see what happens when u reveal who u are!

This is so whack, almost as whack as whoever thought using the words Whack attack were cool...step ur grammar and vocabulary game up!

And those that frequent this site, and think itz cool are in for a thrill when they actually get put up her.

This is clearly just u hating, but keep it up cuz ur making ppl famous!

Maybe ur mad that Shakarie has a man and u dont, that the girls on the basketball team are actually doing something for st. johns instead of being a hinderance like u, maybe ur upset that kurt has a rap career and that EJ can dress her ass off and is cool with all the niggas even the ones that she ALLEGEDLY fucked...maybe ur mad that the Gamma Chi girls can say that they have genuine friends?

Just a thought...I bet I know who u are, obviously some popped bitches that wanna be down!

hahaha...cute...nice try!

Anonymous said...

I just wanna know who is shortie in the pic in the back with the plaid shirt....Shes type cute