Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It Is Not that Serious!Dick Suckers.

This special message goes to MY"haters". I have many many people that are wondering why I created this Blog. Bull shit bull shit..most of the fans even the ones who think they arn't, this site is sumthing that is just for a laugh, why are you sooo upset.. WE DO NOT GIVE A FUCK wut none of ya HOES thing.. All i gotta say is how does all these ppl you love so much DICK TASTE? Cuz u are trully puttin in overtime standin up for ppl yall dumasses prolly dnt even kno.

Bakin it up..most of yall I dont care about but there are a special few we wanna give a shout out to! 'JOhn REdSTORM Sucks' (the name this dick rider chose) ook. BITCH y are u so into the ppl we were talkin about on this NOT SO SERIOUS site?? Girl you kno dam well these ppl prolli dont even kno your lil retarded ass.. This is a mutha fuckin gossip site, I dont have editors checkin over my work and whoooo in there 20's writes proper english on the internet. YOU got the point right.so keep it movin.

It is too funni how u think I care if were"makin people famous" I dont give a fuck! there famous for being on MY site dumyass and I'm happy we are whatever makes you feel better. Its funny how poeple try to switch that around. deep down you kno you hurt. LASTLY! you hoppin on hater, You can think im a pop tryin to get down.. but how hard is it for a pop to get down?? I love how everyone thinks they know who I am. I am your best friend BITCHES>



princessk said...

to whom may this concern

i honestly think this is some highschool shit i thought we enrolled in college not highschool
and whom ever this is just keep me off your stupid site cause if im on here i will beat ur ass ask the few that almost go it last year. this anit even gossip this is just talking about people which is so mean . gossip is more media take out or bossip not this try a lil bit harder
- the princess

Chaunna said...

Not only is this blog poorly reported but its also VERY poorly written.

You are now at the college level of writing and should be demonstrating it.

Grammatical errors galore!

Why make yourself appear to be uneducated?

What has SJU become since I graduated?
